Your Finances!
Your monthly household expenses are at the top of your list when it comes to taking care of your financial responsibilities. Do you know specifically all of your expenses? This is very important so you do not rob Peter to pay Paul. If all of your expenses are covered with a little extra left over, your life may be free of financial stress. It is when all of your expenses are not covered that financial stress sets in, and you always have a cloud over your head. Let's make sure you have sunny skies over your head as you live financially stress-free. |
How much income do you want to generate from your business? Having an itemized list of your household expenses helps create a stating point as to what you need to make a week, a month, a year. If you know what's going out (what you are spending) and what you want to set aside for a rainy day, you have a starting point for one of your first financial goals. Congratulations, you can now set a benchmark. |